Learning to Eat More with Less, within 130 miles for 130 days

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting Ready

There is an odd sense of calm that comes before every storm... Seriously though, we do feel like we're ready, even though we have about 7 items of food in our cupboard and maybe a dozen more in the fridge.
We had originally planned on having a "last meal", to celebrate the day before our venture into the local eating. The necessity, however, of maneuvering the overcrowded subway to track down said 7 local ingredients meant that our pre d-day dinner consisted of gelato and spanakopita. This isn't so disappointing though considering that Monday was our anniversary and we ate more tacos than should be humanly possible from our favourite Annex taco joint, Tacos al Asador!
We have tried to prepare for tomorrow a bit, so as not to shock ourselves completely when we have to prepare meals. We made a granola to eat for breakfast out of oat flakes, dried niagara cherries, peanuts, honey and butter. We thought of making egg salad for lunch, but then realized we would have to make our own mayo and quickly decided to leave that for another day. Instead, tomorrow's lunch will likely be strawberry and spinach salad with hard boiled eggs. Not too shabby, we think!
Sometimes when you pare things down to their simplest form, you gain a sense of clarity and we think with the 7 items of food we own right now, we are hopefully on our way to learning to live more with less.
Now what are we going to make for dinner...

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